Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sorry Frances!!!

Ok, so, yesterday, or some day this week (i actually can't remember, isn't that extremely sad?) I had to sit by myself in English. See, our English class is situated so that all our friends can't squeeze into the number of seats between one clump and another clump of other people, so one of us always has to sit by theirself (I know this is confusing, it doesn't really matter anyways) so, some day this week I had to sit by myself and Frances came and sat next to me. but then today, Frances came in late so she had to sit by herself--only I didn't notice until the class had already begun and there was no way that I could go and sit with her!! So, she ended up looking lonely all class, and i felt bad because I didn't save her from the fate she'd saved me from the few days before!!! It was horrible. And Frances really knows how to look sad too--i dont know if she (or you, if your reading this Frances) was doing it on purpose--but omg i felt so bad!!!

Anyways, this is a little incoherent due to interruptions of Grace's funny quotes from math, and a game of knots, but just thought I'd elaborate on my jerkiness. Sorry Frances!!!


  1. oh my Grace.
    I promise, it is quite alright. I was only sad because I ended up being like the closest person to the Goberness... jk. did I look sad? you made that up to make a story of it. I was drawing flags and lil shakesperian people. You've saved me many a time. Besides, I am quite an independent person :)

  2. thanks Frances :) And thanks for saving me that time too :) ooh! shakesperian people! What kind of shakesperian people? I can understand how you would be sad to sit next to the Goberness :P She tends to try and make eye contact with people who are sitting closer to her more. And that's just scary cuz then it seems like she wants an answer to one of those impossible questions... *Shudder*

  3. ahh! i hate that classroom and its evilness
